The Baird Beer Way

Celebrating Beer
Baird Brewing is a joint partnership company founded in 2000 in Numazu, Japan by the husband & wife team of Bryan and Sayuri Baird. We are a family company born of a deep passion for beer and a great reverence for brewing history, tradition and culture. Our motto is Celebrating Beer. This, to us, means the comprehensive enjoyment of beer in a way that enhances the overall experience of life.

Brewed with painstaking care,
passion and reverence
for tradition
Baird Beer is a celebratory experience in flavor.
The flavors of malt and hops and yeast are highlighted and celebrated; they are not eviscerated by over-processing in the brewery.
We craft Baird Beer in small batches with painstaking care, passion and both reverence and irreverence for tradition.
We hope you enjoy imbibing Baird Beer as much as we enjoy crafting it.

The Basic formula for Baird Beer:
Balance + Complexity =
The basic formula for our entire lineup of hand-crafted Baird Beer is the same: Balance + Complexity = Character. We are dedicated to the crafting of beer that bursts with flavor and character. We will not brew vapid beer and we are not afraid of not appealing to everyone. We brew to our own exacting standards and it’s our daily mission to not disappoint ourselves or our valued customers.

Superior minimally
processed ingredients
Traditional floor-malted barley Exclusive use of whole flower hops Soft, minimally treated on-site well water All-natural carbonation captured during fermentation.

Aroma & Dry Hopping
The brewers of Baird Beer love the spicy and fruity aromas of hops! Consequently, we add ample quantities of whole flower hops to the wort at the end of kettle boil to capture these wonderful smells. Additionally, many of our beers are hopped during conditioning in a traditional practice known as ‘dry hopping.’ This produces an exquisite bouquet that is a defining characteristic of Baird Beer.

Glory to Beer!
Beer is a beverage with a long history and rich tradition. In our view, it’s the most sociable and versatile drink on Earth. Beer deserves better than what has been done to it in industrial times. Our goal – mission, if you will – is to restore to beer the flavor, character and dignity that rightfully belong to it!